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Crystek Corporation

Crystek Corporation LOGO

Founded in 1958, Crystek Corporation is a high performance technological world leader in the RF microwave and frequency control industry. Crystek Corporation's broad product offerings include a diverse range of end markets including wireless, microwave radio, telecom, industrial, enterprise, medical, aerospace, and government sectors.

उत्पादन कोटि

विद्युत आपूर्ति - बाह्य/आन्तरिक (अफ-बोर्ड)

जडानहरू, इन्टरकनेक्टहरू

बक्सहरू, घेराहरू, र्याकहरू


विकास बोर्डहरू, किटहरू, प्रोग्रामरहरू
